Using Human Papillomavirus (HPV) detection tests for cervical cancer screening and managing HPV-positive women – a practical guide / Activity 2

Anatomical considerations – Gross anatomy of female genital organs – External genitalia


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The external genitalia are visible when the woman lies in the dorsal recumbent or lithotomy position. The components include the following:

  • Mons pubis: The pad of fat that is visible over the uppermost part of the external genitalia and is covered by pubic hair.
  • Clitoris: A small, fleshy organ located at the junction of the two lips of the labia minora at the upper end.
  • Urethral orifice: The opening that connects the urinary passage (urinary bladder and urethra) to the outside of the body.
  • Vaginal opening: The opening that connects the vagina to the outside of the body.
  • Labia majora: The two large, fleshy folds that cover and protect the external genital organs from either side.
  • Labia minora: The smaller folds, just inside the labia majora, that protect the entrance to the vaginal and urethral openings.
The next section discusses the detailed anatomy of the internal female genital organs.