Using Human Papillomavirus (HPV) detection tests for cervical cancer screening and managing HPV-positive women – a practical guide / Activity 5

Procedure to collect samples for HPV testing – History taking


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The management of HPV positive women depends on the woman’s age, menstrual and obstetric history, history of previous cervical cancer screening, and the presence of any other associated morbidities. It is important to record the complete contact details of the woman, and obtain the relevant information about the following:
  • Obstetric history
  • Date of last menstrual period
  • History of previous cervical cancer screening and treatment, if any
  • Presence of symptoms such as persistent foul-smelling white discharge, postcoital bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, or irregular menstrual bleeding
  • Previous treatment or other procedures on the cervix; exclude hysterectomy
Record the information in the appropriate screening form.

Click here to download a sample HPV test requisition form.