Atlas of Colposcopy: Principles and Practice / Activity 6


High grade / CIN2 / CIN3
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  • Age: 48
  • HPV status: Positive

  • Speculum examination

    After normal saline with green filter

    After acetic acid

    After acetic acid

    After acetic acid with green filter

    After acetic acid

    After acetic acid with endocervical speculum

    After acetic acid with endocervical speculum

    After Lugol’s iodine

    Colposcopy report (2011 IFCPC nomenclature):

    General assessment
  • Adequacy:
  • Squamocolumnar junction visibility:
  • Transformation zone:

  • Normal colposcopic findings
  • Original squamous epithelium:
  • Columnar epithelium:
  • Metaplastic squamous epithelium:
  • Deciduosis in pregnancy:

  • Abnormal colposcopic findings
    General principles
    Position and size
  • Location of the lesion:
  • Location of the lesion by clock position:
  • No. of quadrants:
  • % of cervix:

  • Grade 1 (minor)

    Grade 2 (major)


    Suspicious for invasion

    Miscellaneous finding

    Swede score:

    Swede score
    Aceto uptake
    Nil or transparentThin, milkyDistinct, stearin
    Nil or diffuseSharp but irregular, jagged, satellitesSharp and even, difference in level
    Fine, regularAbsentCoarse or atypical vessels
    Lesion size
    < 5 mm5-15 mm or 2 quadrants>15 mm, 3-4 quadrants, or endocervically undefined
    Iodine uptake
    BrownFaintly or patchy yellowDistinctly yellow
    Final Swede score: 10

    Case Summary
    Provisional diagnosis: Type 3 transformation zone; high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL).
    Management: LLETZ (type 2 excision).
    Histopathology: HSIL-CIN3.
    Comment: None.